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Comedy Show
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Creative Network of Teachers
We're always on the look out for amazing teachers of musical theatre, dance, all aspects of performance, drama, technical theatre, writing for performance and film.

Please introdu
ce yourself and let us know you're interested in working together. It's helpful to know your training, experience, availability for work and your aspirations for the future.


Creative Network of Professionals
If you are a creative director, writer, theatre-maker, theatre company, film-maker, producer or performer with Northern roots or a Northern base, please email us on to make an initial connection.

We are always looking to curate and help create new work, or experience new ways of working with creatives who have a strong connection to the Northern soil of England.


Chatting Over Coffee


Be Kind

  • NPA stands firm in ensuring we honour and uphold the timeless traditional values of respect, kindness, honesty, integrity, fairness, professionalism and hard work in all we do, all we do it for, and all we do it with.


Be Ambitious

  • As an employer of creative, passionate and ambitious people, the NPA mission is to build an incredible place to come to work, full of exciting opportunities, chances to succeed and achieve dreams for all.


Be Revolutionary

  • NPA is proud to be progressive in its outlook, pioneering in its provision and ruthlessly revolutionary in its vision for the future.


Be Empowered

  • NPA aims to create a culture of empowerment through strong leadership – existing and rising. Mentorship programs, management coaching programs, and leadership training are offered to the best performing team members and training opportunities are encouraged for all. We aspire to build a company in which no employee feels undervalued.


Be Innovative

  • NPA is a company that values innovation. It is a place where conventional ideas fall by the wayside. We consistently attempt to stay on the cutting edge of industry trends and developments. We want to encourage originality and creativity from our people.


Be Supported

  • NPA aims to be a place to work that supports personal goals and aspirations and offers a good work/life balance for employees, with a strong emphasis on staff well-being and team bonding experiences.


Be Diverse

  • NPA’s biggest asset is its people. We are a diverse, vibrant, brilliant community; all sharing the relentless pursuit of excellence in creative education and the arts.

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